Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Importance of Studying Abroad

Newsweek has an article that discusses the many advisers for Obama who lived and/or studied abroad. Click here for the article.

One excerpt from the article:

[James Jones, the incoming National Security Adviser] encourages young people to go out and see other countries and cultures. Anyone who has the opportunity and doesn't seize it "is really missing out on one of the most important components of how to be successful in today's shrinking world," he says.

Monday, January 12, 2009

General Study Abroad Orientation Sessions Scheduled

If you are participating in one of the study abroad opportunities for 2009, you need to attend one of the two Global Studies General Orientation Sessions.

Wednesday, February 4 at 7pm in Morton Hall 200 OR
Thursday, February 5 at 7pm in Morton Hall 200

You will be able to take care of pre-departure payments and complete and sign required forms. Dr. David Johnson, the director of the Global Studies Program, will also provide general orientation information for studying abroad.

You are invited to bring your parents, your partners, or others.

More information will follow via email. Please check your inbox for new messages.

Questions? Contact 824-6288 or