Thursday, July 25, 2013

New Certificate in Foreign Language and Global Engagement

The Department of Foreign Languages and the Global Studies Program at the University of Alabama in Huntsville are pleased to announce the new Certificate in Foreign Language and Global Engagement. 

The certificate, available for French, German, Russian, and Spanish, is aimed at UAHuntsville students and members of the larger community who wish to acquire officially certified foreign language/culture skills appropriate for global engagement in a breadth of contexts, from research collaboration across the disciplines and professions to medical practice, global trade, the arts, and diplomacy.
Students who successfully complete the certificate will possess  intermediate foreign language   proficiency in both oral and written communication appropriate in a variety of everyday situations and professional environments. They will also have basic knowledge of the cultural, economic, political, and  historical ramifications of globalization.  The certificate will also be noted on students’ academic transcripts.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Rolf Goebel, Chair, Department of Foreign Languages
Email:                    Phone: 256-824-2344
Dr. David Johnson, Director, Global Studies Program
Email:         Phone: 256-824-6288