You can study in Romania this summer (June 13-26, 2010) and earn 6 UAH credits (MGT 470/490 for undergraduates and MGT 570/650 for graduates). This course, led by Dr. Jim McCollum and co-sponsored by the Romanian-American University and the University of Alabama in Huntsville, explores international trade and policies, the global economy, European monetary policy, globalization, international business management, project management and organizational behavior in the setting of Romania. Romania joined the European Union on January 1, 2007, and offers numerous opportunities to explore the ramifications of EU expansion in eastern Europe.
UAHuntsville students will join Romanian managers and undergraduate and graduate students in the class. Assignments will include negotiations in teams, proposal writing in teams, executing project management in teams, project opportunities and foreign trade opportunities between the U.S., Romania, and others.
For more information on deadlines and estimated travel expenses, please contact Dr. James McCollum at mccollj@uah.edu.