Monday, December 3, 2007

Aerospace Engineering in Germany! UPDATE

This May, UAH aerospace engineering students will once again have the opportunity to study in Germany. From May 10-25, 2008, students will be able to tour facilities of the German Aerospace Agency and the European Space Agency and visit other sites associated with the history of aerospace engineering. The course will be based in Cologne, Germany, the fourth-largest city in Germany and located on the beautiful Rhine river. The class will also visit Berlin along with several other German cities.

Dr. Brian Landrum will be the faculty member in charge of the group.

UPDATE: The maximum enrollment for the course is 10. If you want to participate, please bring a $200 deposit to the office of Dr. David Johnson (Morton 253). Deposits can be paid by check (made out to UAH) or by credit card.

The remaining payment of $1900 will be due Friday, March 14, 2008. This payment includes all lodging in Germany, all ground transportation in Germany, excursions, museum entrance fees, and meals (including a welcome and farewell dinner).

Students who participated in the class last year raved about their experiences. Please consider joining the group this May. For more information, please contact the Global Studies Program at or 256-824-6288.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Study Spanish in Guanajuato, Mexico!

Spaces are still available for the intensive Spanish courses in Guanajuato, Mexico from May 3-18, 2008. Students make take FL 200S Intermediate Spanish, FL 301S Spanish for Conversation, or FL 499S Advanced Spanish Conversation. Each course is 3 credit hours.

Please also look at the "Photos and Comments" on the Global Studies website. There will you find pictures and comments from past participants.

This is an excellent opportunity to improve your Spanish and experience Mexico.

Advanced students may also combine their foreign language internship with a class in Guanajuato.

For more information on travel costs and how to register for these courses, please contact Constanza Holland ( or the Global Studies Program (

Monday, October 22, 2007

2 $1000 Stipends for Study in Düsseldorf, Germany!

Two UAH students per year will receive tuition and living expenses (not to exceed $1000 apiece and not to include transatlantic travel) for individualized study at the Institute for International Communication in Düsseldorf, Germany ( One stipend is reserved for a student majoring in Foreign Languages, and one for a student with any other major from any college at UAH. Recipients should have completed FL102-G prior to arrival in Düsseldorf.

The dates for the four-week course in Düsseldorf are June 2-27, 2008.

In addition to studying German in Düsseldorf, students may also pursue a research project pertaining to academic and/or professional goals.

Candidates for the awards should submit the following to the dean of the College of Liberal Arts by December 1: a personal statement explaining your long-term goals and how this summer program fits into that long-range plan (two pages maximum); letters of recommendation from two UAH faculty members, of whom one should be in Foreign Languages. If you have some personal project on which you would like the feedback of a specialist, if one can be located who wishes to make time for you, describe the project (one page maximum). If we cannot locate a specialist in your preferred field, we will ask you for a second or third preference, if you win the award. No such special project is necessary at all, if you simply want to begin or continue the study of German. Recipients should submit a short description and evaluation of the experience within a month of its completion.
For more information on this opportunity, please email

Monday, September 17, 2007

Exciting Study Abroad Offerings for 2008

The Global Studies Program will administer several faculty-led and other short-term study abroad opportunities in 2008. These opportunities include:

  • NUR 418/518 Global Health, International Study in London
  • FL 200S, FL 301S, or FL 499S Intensive Spanish in Guanajuato, Mexico
  • EH 440/540 US and Latin American Fiction in Guanajuato, Mexico
  • GS 199/HY 399 Munich, Nuremberg, Berlin: Legacies of the Third Reich
  • FL 200I: Intermediate Italian in Pisa, Italy
  • FL 200G/FL 499G Intensive German in Düsseldorf, Germany
  • MAE 495/695 Aerospace Engineering in Germany
  • Art, Art History, and Italian Language and Culture in Cortona, Italy

For more information on these offerings, please contact the Global Studies Program at

Friday, August 17, 2007

Study Abroad Opportunity in Germany

Dr. Molly Johnson of the history department will take students to Germany in May 2008 as part of the course: GS 199/HY 399 "Munich, Nuremberg, Berlin: Legacies of the Third Reich." The course will explore three cities integral to the Nazi movement in Germany: Munich, Nuremberg, and Berlin. Munich was the birthplace of Nazism and was celebrated by the Nazis as the “Capital of the Movement.” Nuremberg, site of the Nazi Party’s annual rallies, became synonymous with the “aestheticization of politics” as a strategy to attain the support of the masses, as exemplified in Leni Riefenstahl’s film “Triumph of the Will.” Once in power, Hitler and the Nazis transformed the national capital of Berlin, long known as a bastion of socialism, communism, and modernism, into their new base, from which they built a racial state and launched an ultimately unsuccessful quest for the domination of Europe. The course will begin with instruction at UAH during the spring semester and end with a two-week trip to Munich, Nuremberg, and Berlin, Germany in May. If you would like more information, please contact Dr. Molly Johnson at or the Global Studies Program at

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

87 UAH students study abroad in 2007!

This summer, 87 UAH students participated in a variety of study abroad courses and programs. 18 aerospace engineering students spent two weeks in Germany and France in May visiting testing and historical sites. Over 30 students took intensive Spanish courses in Guanajuato, Mexico. 11 Nursing students studied the British health care system in London. Rome was the destination for 16 students who explored the history of the "eternal city." 5 students traveled to India for three weeks and learned about the country from a variety of perspectives. UAH students also studied German in Düsseldorf and Irish Music and Literature in Galway, Ireland. For 2008, the Global Studies Program is helping facilitate faculty-led courses and other study abroad opportunities to a variety of destinations. Please stay tuned to this blog and to the Global Studies website or contact the Global Studies Program ( for more information.

Welcome to the UAH Global Studies Blog!

The UAH Global Studies Program now has its own blog! We will use this blog to inform UAH students and faculty about Global Studies events and study abroad opportunities.

If you are interested in the Global Studies Program, please email Dr. David Johnson at